loch ness monster
Picture taken by amateur photographer Ian Bremner, 58 from Nigg, Invergordon

Ian Bremner, a 58-year-old whisky warehouse worker, was taking pictures of deer in the Highlands. When he got home and took a look at his photos, this is what he saw.

There have been 1,081 apparent sightings of the Loch Ness Monster over the years.

Bremner told The Sun, “I’m normally a bit of a sceptic when it comes to Nessie and I think it’s just something for the tourists but I’m starting to think there is something out there.

“When I saw it on my screen I said ‘what the hell is that?’

“If you’re fishing there it’s the sort of place where you can get a tingle up your spine and second guess what you’re seeing. You start seeing things even when you know fine there’s nothing there.”

One of the theories is that it could be three seals leaping at the same time.


But wouldn’t it be incredibly cool to find out there really is a Loch Ness Monster?!?

Filed under: loch-ness-monster, photo