Survived by his wife, Crystal, and his four children we say goodbye to Hugh Hefner, the iconic founder of Playboy Magazine and Playboy Enterprises, Inc.

Hugh started his dream by borrowing money and published his first issue of Playboy in December of 1953 with Marilyn Monroe as his centerfold…and the rest, is history.

photo: YouTube

(photo: YouTube)

So why did he choose the bunny logo to represent Playboy? “The rabbit, the bunny, in America has a sexual meaning; and I chose it because it’s a fresh animal, shy, vivacious, jumping — sexy.” – Hugh Hefner (1967)

Read more about Hugh and how he built his empire at

And HERE are some facts you may not have known about Hugh Hefner.

Filed under: dies at 91, Hugh Hefner, Marilyn Monroe, Playboy, Playboy bunny, Playboy Enterprises Inc, Playboy Magazine