Raise your hand if you’re absolutely invested in the power pair that is ice dancing duo, Scott Moir and Tessa Virtue!? yeah, us too!  On that note, I present you: Scott Moir watching hockey.

(Photo: Getty Images)

He’s adorably rumpled (just look at his crooked little tuque in the below video!) and finally enjoying some much-deserved fun at the Olympic women’s hockey final after months of intense training and weeks of stressful competition. Look, he’s even sipping a brewski (note: the game happened around 2 p.m. South Korea time) and yelling at officials over sketchy calls! LOVE HIM!! If Moir isn’t the most fun hockey game date, I literally don’t know who is.

Just when it looked like the world couldn’t be more enamoured with the ice dancing sweethearts, along comes Moir capturing even more hearts with his apparent new side gig as Canada’s #1 hockey fan. Twitter is lit.

Sure, the Canadian women’s team ended up losing gold to Team U.S.A., but we are still winners here.

Filed under: Scott Moir, Tessa Virtue