TORONTO — A pair of dogs who kept their injured owner warm after a car accident and a devoted whippet who alerted a sleeping man to his wife’s fall are among the new inductees to the Purina Animal Hall of Fame. (2018)

Organizers say four heroic hounds are being recognized for life-saving acts of perseverance and intuition.

They include two-year-old Ruth and seven-year-old Lady from British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley. They huddled to keep Matthew Smith warm after a crash caused head trauma, a lacerated liver and broken ribs in April 2017. The two Labrador/border collie crosses then lured a nearby homeowner to the crash site, and emergency services arrived in time to save Smith’s life.

Then there’s the 12-year-old whippet Sabrina from St. Laurent, Que., who roused Bill Schwartz from a deep slumber to help his wife Adele. She had fallen down basement stairs in the middle of the night, suffering a severe concussion and fractured vertebra in her neck.

Also being honoured is Arik, an eight-year-old German shepherd from Baddeck, N. S., who found 90-year-old Lloyd Stone lying in the woods on a cold day in March 2017. He had slipped on ice and broken his hip, and was dipping in and out of consciousness.

The dogs get a medal of honour and a year’s supply of Purina dog food.

This is the 50th anniversary of the hall of fame program. To date, 179 animals have been inducted, including 151 dogs, 27 cats, and a horse.

Purina also announced two honourable mentions Monday. (May 14 2018)

One is an Instagram star named Smiley, a certified child therapy dog born without eyes. He spent his first two years in a puppy mill before being adopted by Joanne George and going on to amass more than 200,000 Instagram followers. He died last year at age 16.

Also honoured is Koby, a five-year-old German shepherd, border collie and husky mix from Toronto who helped his owner Emily Sweet cope with bullying, severe depression and anxiety during her high school years.

The Canadian Press