(via CityNews)

Saying the worst of the pandemic “is behind us’ Ford announced the gradual easing of public health measures in three phases, beginning on January 31 when gyms and restaurants will reopen at 50 per cent capacity and gathering limits will increase to 10 people indoors and 25 outdoors.

Sporting and concert venues, as well as theatres, can also open their doors at half capacity or 500 people, whichever is less.

After the 31st, more restrictions will be eased in three week intervals on February 21, and March 14 when capacity limits in all indoor settings will be lifted.

Ford stressed that if the numbers start going up again, the province is ready and willing to hit the brakes.

“If that means pausing between steps for a few extra days, we won’t hesitate to do so,” he said.


See the province’s new three-phased plan HERE