Put on your game face because it’s CHFI Game Time!  Get ready to have fun and play LIVE with Mo and your CHFI family, from the comfort of your own home!

For the chance to play LIVE with Mo this Thursday at 1PM fill our your information below!  If you’re name is drawn, you will get an official invitation to join our CHFI Zoom call and you’ll have the opportunity to play a fun and easy trivia game hosted by Mo!  You’ll play along with other CHFI listeners, and a couple CHFI personalities too!

Each player will have a chance to answer a fun trivia questions.  Answer correctly before the buzzer and you stay in the game, answer incorrectly or after the buzzer and you’ll be eliminated from CHFI Game Time.  If you are the last person standing, you will be declared the official winner of CHFI Game Time and you’ll earn the bragging rights that go along with that! Get ready, get set, PLAY!