In a new interview with GQ, Shawn Mendes finally puts an end to his and Justin Bieber’s ‘feud.’  Shawn reveals, “Justin and I were never enemies.  We were maybe not friends.  We weren’t texting and being like, ‘Yo, how you doing today?’ but we were never enemies, absolutely, and that’s kind of something that people maybe might’ve turned it into at some point.”



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Shawn was then asked about Justin’s infamous ‘Who’s Shawn Mendes?’ remark from 2015, “He said he really genuinely didn’t know who I was, and I believed him.  So whatever, maybe he did and he was trying to bug me either way,” he explains.


Shawn, who is now 21 and Justin, 26, have grown close over the past few months, “Both of us were famous at a young age and I think it’s interesting when people put you up on a pedestal because it messes with your head a bit.  We’ve known each other for a few years but for some reason during the pandemic we ended up becoming kind of closer than ever before.”




In a separate interview with Dax Shepard, Shawn says he ‘really suffered with the rumors surrounding his sexuality,’ “It was so, so frustrating for me because there were some people in my life that I was very very close to, who were gay and in the closet, and I felt like this real anger for those people. It’s such a tricky thing. You want to say, ‘I’m not gay but it’d be fine if I was gay — but also there’s nothing wrong with being gay but I’m not.’ You don’t really know how to respond to the situation.”



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Shawn continues, “I’ve realized that we just have to stop having to be experts and politicians about it, especially as a famous musician who’s a guy. I need to be really f—ing messy and say the wrong things and apologize and say the right thing after I apologize and be confused about how to respond when people say I’m gay.  Everyone’s been calling me gay since I was 15 years old. I’m not gay and I’m like, ‘What does that mean?’ I had these problems with the way my voice sounded. I’m like, ‘How do I sit?’ I’m always first to cross my legs and sit with a position of this feminine style and I really suffered with that s–.”



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Shawn also adds, “I think a lot of guys go through that and even worse than that there are just so many guys who are gay and in the closet and must be hearing s— like that and just being like, ‘I’m terrified to come out.’  I didn’t grow up wrestling.  I grew up getting my hair braided on New Year’s Eve. It just completely depends on the way you grew up in your life and your surroundings.  I’m totally not there.  I’m still a little bit more manly than that so I don’t know, it’s a little confusing so I’m just gonna let it be what it is.  I think people are really quick to just say, ‘Well, he’s an artist so he gets a pass to be vulnerable and a pass to cry but most men shouldn’t.’  Guys need to just be vulnerable. We need to cry. Stop thinking this is being brave and strong and start thinking is the opposite, actually. We’re holding in these emotions and not crying and being a**holes. Nothing about that is nice.  I’m in a relationship where my girlfriend is like, ‘We’re going to get in bed and you’re going to put your head on my chest and you’re going to cry into my chest. You’re going to tell me how you feel because if you don’t do that you’re just going to be an a**hole for the next week and I’m not going to deal with that s—.’  I’m just lucky to be in a relationship that’s for it.”



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And if you’ve ever wondered how Shawn builds his songs, watch below.


Filed under: Justin Bieber, shawn-mendes