A lot can happen within a year, and more can be said about the year of 2020. Due to the worldwide pandemic caused by COVID-19, we are now experiencing a new normal.


Daily Bread has also gone through significant change, but has stepped into action to ensure our community is looked after during this tumultuous time.


With the increase of needs due to the pandemic, Daily Bread will be holding a Spring Drive-Thru event on Saturday, April 3, from 11:00am to 3:00pm at 191 New Toronto Street. Drop off food donations in a safe and contactless way. Daily Bread will have special volunteers on hand to help unload donations – you just open your trunk and they will take care of the rest! Their goal is to raise 25,000 lbs of food at this event! If you are unable to attend, you can drop off food donations at any fire hall in the city or your local grocery story. If you are able to, you can make a financial donation at dailybread.ca.


Financial donations allow Daily Bread to purchase high-need items such as dairy and meat. $1 = 1 nutritious meal for someone in need. You can place an order online from your favourite retailer and have it delivered directly to their warehouse at 191 New Toronto Street. You can advocate for systemic change to end poverty, the root cause of hunger. Start conversations about food insecurity with your friends and family to let them know how urgent this crisis is today. Tell your local government officials that you want to see poverty and food insecurity eliminated in your community.


If you need suggestions on what to provide, these items are preferred mainly due to the high-nutrition included that are also high in protein:


  • canned meat (tuna, chicken, etc.)
  • peanut butter
  • canned fruits and vegetables
  • canned beans
  • pasta sauce
  • pasta
  • rice


Sourced by Daily Bread