Photo credit:  Brian Bowen

‘Chemistry’ –  Kelly Clarkson’s tenth studio album is out now!

“Having chemistry with someone is an incredible, and overwhelming, feeling. It’s like you have no choice in the matter. You are just drawn to each other. This can be good and bad. This album takes you down every path that chemistry could lead you down.”KELLY CLARKSON

Pooja & Gurdeep had the chance to catch up with Kelly Clarkson



chemistry track list:
1.  skip this part
2.  mine
3.  high road
4.  me
5.  down to you
6.  chemistry
7.  favorite kind of high
8.  magic
9.  lighthouse
10.   rock hudson
11.   my mistake
12.   red flag collector
13.   i hate love (feat. Steve Martin)
14.   that’s right (feat. Sheila E.)